This newspaper stands by everything we have written. We don’t “sneak in” our opinions. I give my opinion and I give it without any fear from disgruntled politicians. And what
Read more{Note: Billy Graham’s remarks given at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., on Friday, September 14, 2001, brought hope and healing to a shocked nation. His words are still
Read moreFirst Letter from Mayor Jackson to The Hughes County Tribune To Whom It May Concern, The article on in The Hughes County Tribune, on Page B-8 regarding B-8 is incorrect.
Read moreWe in fact do have a correction that was written before Mayor Jackson’s letter. We reported that Morgan Burkett and Jennifer Neider were among those resigning. They were in fact
Read moreBy John Bill Martin Staff Writer This is a history quiz for the Over-40 crowd (or anyone else who wants to take it NO Cheating - don’t look at the
Read moreWow! We had 10 ladies Monday night at the Nazarene Fellowship Hall ready to play “Moon” domonioes! And play they did! Partners were - Barbara Tiger and Arjean Williams;
Read moreIf you were busy being kind, Before you know it, you would find You’d soon forget to think ‘twas true That someone was unkind to you. If you were busy
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